There's a mountain calling you!

Nasmith Generations

In May 2016 the ski industry threw a retirement party for Robin Nasmith, founder of Skican. Three generations of Nasmiths gathered at Whistler for an incredible party (heartfelt thanks to all our partners).

We work hard. Maybe a little too hard. Life is busy. Juggling work and family commitments can be exhausting, and catching up on sleep so rarely happens.

“It’s all good”, we tell ourselves, “I’ve got this.” But sometimes, at the end of a particularly long day, there’s that feeling of total burn out. And that’s when the possibility of a break from it all keeps us going.

Skican’s purpose is to keep you going by giving you something to look forward to. We help you get away so that you get a chance to remember what it’s all about, to recapture what fuels your passion.

A year ago I took over the helm at Skican. We knew the basic concept was solidly intact: affordable, quality ski vacations. But we also knew we needed to upgrade the technology driving the 46 year old organisation and streamline the booking process. We knew we could make it easier, faster and more affordable for clients to get what they wanted.

And so we systematically took apart and then rebuilt Skican. It was a formidable job, and a complicated process. The team at Skican was, in a word, remarkable. Our ski industry partners and you, our clients, have been incredibly supportive. And we got it done.

In June the staff at Skican had a chance to sit back, take a breath, and reflect. I posed a simple question to all of us: Why do we work at Skican? We were unanimous in our answer: We work at Skican because we love skiing and snowboarding. We love the breathtaking views, the exhilarating runs. We are passionate about great experiences, and being able to provide these experiences to others.

Somewhere out there, there’s a mountain calling you! Let us help you find it. Here’s to a great 2016-17 ski season.



Karen Nasmith, President.